

Whitechurch Blog: Five Star Defaqto Rating 2020

4th June 2020

We are pleased to announce that we have once again been awarded our full complement of 5 Star Ratings from Defaqto for our portfolio services. Read on to find out more about why this is important to look for when choosing a DFM.

What is a Defaqto Rating?

• Defaqto teams conduct independent research across a wide range of financial products and services.

• Services are rated based on key features and benefits; and the number of stars can help in assessing how a service compares with the peer group.

• Defaqto ratings represent an impartial stamp of approval.

• The ‘stamp’ is recognised by consumers and this can be helpful in making an informed decision.

Why is a Defaqto Rating useful for me?

If you outsource to a Discretionary Fund Manager, the FCA expects you to conduct appropriate research on the DFM market and to have an audit trail of how you concluded the research in selecting your chosen DFM. This can be quite onerous. Good research should also be independent, and Defaqto is at the forefront of sources that provide independent information on DFM services.

Whitechurch DFM services

We offer a range of portfolios from low cost passive models to bespoke solutions for high net worth clients. These are available exclusively through advisers who will maintain the client relationship, whilst we provide investment expertise.

Our Portfolio Management Service (PMS) Dynamic and Active models including Ethical Balanced are risk rated by the Defaqto Risk Mapping Service. This assesses a client’s natural attitude to risk using a psychometric questionnaire linked to an ATR methodology with Moody’s. The feedback can be a basis of a discussion with a client, enabling the adviser and client to define an agreed Risk Level.

We have a dedicated team responsible for building and maintaining relationships with financial advisers looking to outsource part or all of their investment management.


For further information about our services, please contact our Business Development Team on dfm@whitechurch.co.uk or call 0117 916 6175.
