Solicitors & Accountants

With our emphasis on comprehensive wealth management, Whitechurch Financial Consultants work closely with other professional advisers to ensure that clients’ financial affairs are fully co-ordinated.

We are respectful of the nature of professional relationships and a partnership approach is central to how we work. In partnership with you, our first step is to understand the full picture of your clients’ goals. Thereafter we address how we can work with you and what we can do for your clients.

The Whitechurch Mantra:
We believe that we have no right to advise clients until we fully understand what they want to achieve.


Advisory Services

From cash flow and tax planning (including Inheritance Tax & Capital Gains Tax) and investments to pensions, retirement, protection and life assurance. 

We provide these services through a range of levels; from ad hoc, transactional or straightforward services to on-going advice or complex strategies.



Impartial Advice & Wealth Management

We provide impartial advice, which is not influenced by any product provider or other third party, but we are classified by the Financial Conduct Authority as Restricted Advisers because we do not recommend what we consider to be high risk investments. Where we feel discretionary investment management is suitable we will recommend the services provided by the in-house award winning Whitechurch Investment Management Team.

See our range of services here.